(This is the transcription of the video above)
All of our spiritual journey is leading us to loving again.
Hi, Weston Hudson here. Today I want to talk about forgiveness and more of a technique to think about in terms of getting in your heart and opening a space up for forgiveness to happen. I mean forgiveness is a very, very deep topic and it has many, many layers to it and different theories and ideas about how to approach it. I just wanted to tell you a little story about myself and how I came to understand this technique. It just kind of came out of nowhere. I used to go to a spiritual center Agape here in Los Angeles. And one day during meditation . . . Well let me do a little back story. So I had issues with my dad and that was kind of front center of my life. How can I unpack this longing I had for attention and love and care and things that I felt like I didn’t get from him? I was holding a grudge there. It was a hurt and a pain really really deep because there was some abandonment and some other things there. And so one day during meditation I’m sitting there and I am in this meditation and I closing my eyes and I’m really connected to this higher love and this dimension. A place where that can occur. For me . . . I don’t know what your spiritual beliefs are, your religious beliefs, and who you hold as your sacred Supreme Being but for me in that case it was Jesus that had come to me in this vision as I was meditating. I was in that pain and I was in that that tone, of feeling hurt and empty and angry and this presence and it wasn’t like a man per se, Jesus as a man, but this angelic golden being who was much larger than me I mean five times bigger than me you know fifty feet tall or something.
“Do you see how that feels?“ and it just felt so amazing and then he said “well your dad needs it too.”
He, he this this grace. This golden powerful being reaches down and picks me up and puts me on his knee. And he holds me. And he gives me solace. And he gives me nurturing and he makes me just feel so warm and so held and so loved that all those other things that I held, the hurt and the pain and the sorrow and the grief and all those things that I was holding inside of me. This energy just took me and consumed me and caressed me and held me and it was like this voice said “Do you see how that feels?“ and it just felt so amazing and then he said “well your dad needs it too” and he picks up my dad and puts my dad on the other knee and he holds my dad saying “I have enough love to hold you both” “because you’re both hurting you’re both coming from that same pain” The pain that my dad had that caused him to neglect or abandon me. This entity, This Jesus, unconditionally loving presence was holding us both and it was so hard because the vulnerability in me, plus the the protectiveness in me was like I don’t want him around. “He hurt me, I don’t want him” and Jesus said “There is no hurt! The hurt is only what you hold in your mind and you hold that separation and that pushing against your dad’s energy.” And so that makes me constricted and stressed out and worried and it’s like we were all in the same place of unconditional love. Then my heart swelled up and I made room for my dad. And at that point I wasn’t ready to fully forgive my dad. I actually didn’t know all the things that my dad had done to me. I hadn’t really got into the depths of that but it was an opening and a possibility that I could eventually hold my dad in that same space of love . . . which I did was able to do probably five/seven years later. It took me a long time to get to that point where I could see my dad as just another human that had gone down the path and had his problems and his hurts and his pains, and his traumas. He was trying to get past those and in that place I was holding him too. That goes a little further and I don’t know if I can get it into depth in this video. But what happens is all of our spiritual journey is leading us to loving again. If you look back into your life, if there was a trauma at that point you closed the door. Whoever hurt you you said “No” and then you may have lumped that in with a whole section of people. It’s like “My dad!” So males, aggressive men? I can’t deal with that. Or you know depending on how I mean it’s a very complex. I can’t get into it. It’s so complex of all the the defense mechanisms we build to guard ourselves. But basically in simplistic terms (not to make this simplistic because this journey is not simplistic) but in the simplistic terms is that you can start to look at your life. There is a guard there that we put up because of a trauma. Learning to forgive and love again and be full of joy. You’re gonna have to drop that and love again. If you really get honest with yourself and you look back you’ll see where you closed your heart either against a person or a group of people or something that hurt you and you you know you created a mindset of ”I’m never gonna let that happen again” and built a wall. And that’s that guardedness. And unconditional love is taking that Jesus golden energy and wrapping not only yourself and forgiving yourself for all the hurt and grief and everything you’ve carried. The anger and the bitterness and resentment and also seeing the person that you have a big problem with and need to forgive to start to wrap them in it. And I don’t mean to let them off the hook per se because they are accountable for the things that they’ve done and that’s on their karma to deal with that. But to set yourself free, it’s about being able to just hold them in that space too – and maybe we’re not gonna get to the level of Jesus of that level of love and expansion and trust that he was able to hold that energy space. But we can at least try and it takes courage but I trust that that if you’re willing, that you can make that space in your heart to hold your past hurts and then also the world at large. As you interface with the world and learn to be more compassionate and loving in your present moment and not triggered or reactive from your past. So go out there and see what happens with your with courage and new love and opening up to new love again and being willing to forgive and let go of some of the things that that we’ve held onto for a long time. Thanks for watching the video. If you have any questions, you can reach out to me on my blog or social media and until then have a great day and good luck!
Limiting Beliefs Block Your Desires
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