Limiting Beliefs Block Your Desires

(Fine Tuning the Law of Attraction)

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(This is the transcription of the video above)

Hello, I’m Western Hudson. Thanks for watching this video today. We’re going to talk about desires, beliefs, momentum . . . basically why sometimes our life feels like it’s stuck or sometimes it’s moving and sometimes it’s anxiety, it’s excitement things, like that. We’ll talk about that energy and why that happens for your for . . . Anybody that’s listened to Abraham Hicks might have heard them say that when you have a desire but then you don’t have the belief that you can have that desire is when we really feel that stuckness. So the idea is you can back off your desire, you can say “okay, I’m just not going to have any desires.”

“I’m just gonna kind of go through the motions of life, keep it kind of small don’t create any momentum” and that way you don’t have to feel that pain of not getting what you want. So it’s like “Oh fine, I’ll just forget about what I want. I don’t want that anymore!” so that you don’t have to feel the burden of not being able to have it and that burden comes from your belief or your lack of belief that you can have it. And so that’s the zest of life. The zest of life is when you really want something and then you believe you can have it and it all starts to unfold and it starts to unfold and starts to unfold . . .  So in the relationship area let’s say you’re like “oh, I really want a companion. I want to go out and have fun. I want to travel. I want to eat dinner. Sit on the couch. Make love.”

You’re in the flow, You’re in the magic, You’re in the miracles! Everything’s happening for you! Everything is conspiring for your greater good!

Do all these things that would be exciting and fun and new and put you in the moment. But then you think, ”oh I’m unworthy because I don’t have the right body, I don’t have the right career, I don’t have the right income, or I have issues from my past that prevents me from being vulnerable, or being intimate. So the minute you come up with these negative thoughts which ARE NOT TRUE but you hold them as true. Then that desire is calling you forward and then you block it by saying “I can’t” “I can’t” and you’re choosing not to expand. And so the real fun of desire and belief is really riding that edge. It’s kind of like if you were on a wave and the wave was crashing and you you were right in the sweet spot of the wave and you believe that you can stand up on that board then you’re going to surf that wave. If you start to get nervous or anxious or afraid, then the board wobbles and you start wiggling around and you fall down. And depending on how big the wave is, it’s gonna hurt. And so that’s kind of why we don’t want the big waves of life because if we do slip up on them we can really hit hard. So it’s like oh if I expand and let all this money come in and then I expanded my lifestyle and then I didn’t keep up with the beliefs that I can keep earning that amount of money then you might hit face-first under the pavement and crash down and you have this big lifestyle that then you start to have to get rid of your house and your car. And you can’t buy clothes and you can’t eat that fancy dinner anymore and so the idea is we want to be right there. We want to really get in touch with our desire and you have to be honest about what your desires and how big that desire is and if you have big desires you just have to claim it and hold it and then you have to take that and put it up against your belief in what you have and if there are actual things like I want to be a brain surgeon and you haven’t gone to medical school then yes you’re gonna have to go to medical school but then you can put that as a goal and you can you can start heading towards it. Then watch if there’s any resistance along the way that starts like  oh I’m not worthy of this. I’m not smart enough. All the other ones are better at this. Whatever those are, those negative beliefs they’re gonna chip away but it’s really just really anchoring that desire and holding on to it. People would call it dreams. What is your dream and lock onto that dream and desire and then you start to get your belief into it and that is just literally confidence. By you now confiding in your greatness and knowing that it is capable and if you have that determination all the resources will come into to make that happen . . . If you are desiring to go to medical school and you need money then those resources will show up. A teacher will show up. A scholarship. You know a friend. Another doctor?  You might end up hurting your ankle and going and talking to the doctor about your ankle and then you start chatting and then he actually or she helps you get to where you want to go into your medical school and suggest ways of that making that happen . . . Maybe even fund you or know people that could fund you.

“It’s about locking onto that belief and then you will start to see miracles performed.”

When you really lock on to it and you believe that it can happen and you don’t have to know about the how. It’s more locking onto that belief and then you will start to see miracles performed . . . Its crazy the things that start to happen. What? How did that happen? How is this happening? How is this happening and you’ll never know the how. That’s the fun! Once you lock on the desire, that will pull you forward. You’re not going to know how. You just have to say okay let’s let’s see how this unfolds. If you really are convicted and locked on to that dream.  If you really look to what it is you want and go slightly beyond what you believe is possible then that’s where the juice is.  I don’t know if I could make it to that grade. I want to be an athlete. I don’t know if I could get it to the NBA but when you set that goal a little bit greater that desire and you lean into it what’s going to happen is it’s gonna pull forth the parts of you that are gonna make that dream happens so if you want to be an elite athlete and right now you’re a couch potato at home it’s gonna pull things out of you that you may not even know that you had. The determination, the focus, the passion, the strength, the flexibility; all these things they’ll start happening in your body as a result of that desire. You literally will transform. That goal will transform you and so that’s the fun thing. When people get stuck in their life it’s really just about this disbelief and then really probably the ego being scared that they’re scared that if you really do believe it that there’s gonna be changes in your life and so you don’t want to do that. Okay fine I’ll just sit on the couch watch the TV. Distract myself. Go do something that else. But we really want to get in touch with the desires and sometimes you are so stuck in your life that that means your desires are really, really suppressed and that’s where something like meditation or journaling or maybe doing a vision board workshop or something that will let things emerge. Looking through catalogs or the internet. Pinterest or something like that. Something that will start to awaken those things. I really love cooking or I really love to sew and I really want to learn that. And then you start heading off. Just that desire and following that bliss, that desire of ”oh I really like to sew.” And the next thing you know 10 years from now you’re a seamstress for the biggest fashion designer on the planet. It’s really cool when you lean in.  And know there’s stages of your desire unfolding and that you’ll run into another limiting belief and then you have to do work around that.  I remember a time I went snow skiing and it was my second or third time. I was a big roller blader so I was comfortable being on that type of skis, that kind of movement. I was in Colorado and we were about to ski this run and it had all these moguls and I was like looking down this mountain. I was like I can’t do this! And you know your skis are right there on the edge. You know you can feel how slippery it is. And if you went down it might not work out so good. So I’m sitting there and I know I want to do this.

And you do these things for the exhilaration and for the fun of it. For the growth. Because it’s going to grow me into a new person. So I headed off down this thing and trust in my legs. I played a lot of tennis. I had really strong legs. Rollerbladed a lot. But you know when you go down something that steep the moguls there are gonna be happening much quicker and you have to keep up with those moguls. So I go down it and everything’s great.  I did it! But then halfway down the run there was a ten foot drop off. I had never jumped off anything in the air on my skis. I crashed pretty hard and it hurt pretty bad. The ski hit me in the back and it knocked the air out of me. But that’s life. There was a part of the exhilaration. I did it. I pushed myself into a new part of myself.

“if you will be honest and humble when you’re stuck and ask for a higher intelligence . . . it will lead you to the solution”

I knew I was capable of doing a run like that but it taught me that maybe I should look at the run or ask somebody about the run to make sure what’s gonna be on the run. Or maybe go down at first slowly and look at all the things.  So that I would know what’s coming. But you know that a part of life. We fall down and we get back up. So be graceful and be light-hearted around these desires because desires are potent things that start to pull us. And and eventually will make us grow and get us out of our comfort zone. And do a lot of new things and that’s can be scary. Then also we have to have the belief.  And I’ll do another video on how to deconstruct your beliefs and see what’s what’s stopping you. I’ll touch on it now. So it’s beliefs sometimes really need the grace of God or guardian angels because sometimes we we get to a point where we’ve either over thought so much, so many thoughts around it that it’s got so congealed into this really stuck spot and you may need a touch of grace to come in. Whether that’s somebody else. A counselor, therapist, shaman, friend, book, TV show,

You do it for that exhilaration and for the fun of it and for the growth because it’s going to grow you into a new person.

movie, or something that just zaps you. But if you will be honest and humble when you’re stuck and and just feel into the emotions and say ”I do have a deep desire but I know that my belief is limiting me” and if you’ll ask for a higher intelligence or your higher self or that deep insight to come through, it will lead you to the solution. And then you’ll feel that desire picking up and you’re like yes I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.  Once that momentum  gets going, the sky’s the limit. Then you can start. The confidence swells.  Then you exclaim “I want to do this” ”I want to do that” and you’re in the flow. You’re in the magic. You’re in the miracles. Everything’s happening for you. Everything is conspiring for your greater good. And then you’re going and you’re going. So yeah, I hope helps.  It’s a quick video and you know I can go way deeper into this subject. How desire and belief and how those work together. If you got a big desire, the belief is limited this thing is gonna be bumping up against that edge and it’s gonna be painful which usually causes people to pull their desire back rather than modifying their beliefs. But it’s kind of a dance. So yeah go out there and dance. Thank you.

Here's to you loving, shining and living your ultimate truth! ♥️

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1 Comment
  • Weston
    May 30, 2019

    I hope everyone enjoys the post!