(This is the transcription of the video above)
Say yes to the journey and allow it to unfold…
Hi, I’m Weston Hudson. Here’s a video on the power of being still. I think the reason that people are so scared to be still is because of the answers that they’re gonna get. As we go through life, we constantly have questions that come up around different areas in our life. It could be romance, career, health, something to do with your parents, something to do with your siblings, your community, your job function. There are these questions that start to arise and I believe that we’re scared to sit and get still because there’s going to be an answer that shoots through. And with stillness, we gain that clarity where not only are all things possible but all things become clear and solutions start to arise. And sometimes the reason why we don’t want the solution is because once we get the solution and we have that clarity then life is going to expand and our ego which is there to protect us and make sure we don’t touch a hot stove or we get scared . . . (bird interrupts) you know the ego is there to protect us but when we go into the unknown which is when we get a solution that says quit your job the ego starts to freak out because it’s like ”I don’t know that area” ”I don’t know that terrain” “I don’t know how to do that” “I don’t know how to get there” And a lot of the times you know we can see the solution, we see, maybe we start to get behind yes that is what I really want I want that new type of job or I want to leave my relationship because I want to be single and the idea of being free and independent right now feels really good but that gets scary because what happens is the ego wants control and in the unknown there is no control. The funny thing is is that that stillness which we like . . . I want to be still. I want to go get a massage and just calm down or I want to lay on the couch and relax or maybe read a book. But inside of that stillness when there aren’t any hectic thoughts, manic thoughts that solution shoots through and sometimes we’re scared because that solution will pull us into something greater than what we’ve ever known . . . and then we have to answer the call[/dropcap]
Sometimes we’re scared because that solution will pull us into something greater than what we’ve ever known. . . and then we have to answer the call!
. . . and then what happens if we don’t answer the call it? It keeps pulling on us and that causes more tension. Once we have the insight of the vision of where we want to go but the ideas and “the how” we can’t figure out. But we’ll only know that how once we get there and look backwards. “Oh! That happened by doing this, this, and then this” but we do not know the pathway. We just have to surrender to the to the vision or the destination calling us down the road and then say yes to the journey and allow it to unfold. So inside stillness you’ll get clarity and you’ll catch the vision and then you’ll surrender to the vision. But that’s why stillness is so scary. So being still is actually very courageous (this birds funny) I don’t know if you can hear it . . . so be still. Thank you!
Limiting Beliefs Block Your Desires
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