Habits Are A Choice!

(Breaking Bad Habits By Replacing Them With Good Habits)

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(This is the transcription of the video above)

“If you know that it is a habit, it is not a habit. It is a choice … and that gives you the power to change it.” – Bashar

Alright hey there! I just want to talk to you about habits. So there’s this guy, Darryl Anka, he channels this entity called Bashar and Bashar’s you know a bringer of wisdom. He talks about habits. Habits? The way he defines habits. Habits: Once you realize that it’s a habit, it’s no longer a habit it’s a choice. Meaning that the minute you have the realization that you’re doing something, now that you you’re consciously aware that you’re doing it, from that point forward any time you go to do that, it’s now a choice. So for instance, if you smoke a cigarette and you say I want to break this habit of smoking a cigarette . . . Once you go “Man, I have this habit of smoking a cigarette” you now have the awareness to see. Every time I do this from this point forward it’s a choice. I mean a lot of psychologists would probably say there’s some patterning and that it’s deeper than that.  And some people might say there’s a chemical addiction to it. That your body fills the drop and then you need another hit of nicotine. But it’s interesting because the point I wanted to make about habits is like this: let’s say you sleep eight hours a day then you have 16 hours of waking time. I’m not saying that we don’t have habits even inside our sleep because we might toss and turn, we might grind our teeth, we might lay on a certain side, roll.  There might be habits that we do but they’re less conscious because we’re not awake at that point. So if you have 16 hours then then within those 16 hours we can  break it up into time slots or segments. So let’s take your breakfast segment. You know generally every day you’re gonna have that breakfast segment and you’re gonna do pretty much the same thing that you do every day. Unless you have maybe a calendar that you map it out over a month but even that calendar will probably rotate in terms of the meals that you fix, or for most people it’s like I’ve got to get my coffee. Let’s say I wake up rush out the door. I want to make it to Starbucks. I order this certain type of coffee every time. Maybe a pastry. It might be a different pastry but it’ll have the same general quality of buttery or apple or a fruit or something like that. And that’s the habit. That’s that time slot so if you want to break a habit you look at this time slot, for instance you say “okay, during this breakfast time” let’s call it the Starbucks breakfast time. If you want to break that because you’re gaining weight or maybe you’re addicted to caffeine or something like that and yeah that’s the reason that’s the purpose of that. So that’s the AGAINST. So when you want to create a vision for your new life, it’s not about being AGAINST it’s about being what you’re FOR.

It’s not about being against something…It’s about being what you are FOR

So all of a sudden if you have an addiction to caffeine or sugar, you don’t want to be against the sugar, you want to be FOR health. And so you have to ask yourself what would be healthy for me? And what you’re FOR is say maybe natural fruit. You know natural sugar. Maybe you don’t want any sugar at all. So you have to look at a way to maybe have some protein. Maybe you have some eggs or fish or avocado or nuts or combination of that. And so when you do that now, the time slot that would be reserved normally for those activities; Meaning Starbucks, eating this, eating this, eating this. Now you just replace that with something new. And so that’s the key. Because we’re are still going to live our life. We’re going to have all these segments throughout the day of different things that we do. Some are small, some are larger and if you want something new, you’re going to move out that segment because it’s not like we can’t not live. So if the 30 minutes we go to Starbucks; we pull those 30 minutes out and replace them with a new 30 minutes of new activities. Now you’re cooking, you know eggs or granola or something else that you want that’s not as packed with sugar as some kind of pastry. So you just take that chunk, pull it out and replace it with the next chunk. Now there’s obviously bigger chunks like maybe I have this routine of this job and this job becomes this whole big thing and it’s a lot deeper than a sugar addiction because there’s so much tied into work in terms of providing for yourself and exploring and learning and growing. There’s so much there. But it’s just the same way. It’s a chunk of your life. Maybe a six hour shift, eight hour shift. How much you spend at that workplace. And if you want something new you simply do the same thing. What am I not feeling about this job anymore? The against energy. The things you don’t like. You take what you don’t like and you flip that into what you do like. Then that now creates a new vision for your life or what you’re FOR rather than against. And then you start putting out to the universe. You say “I want to have my life filled with this.”[/dropcap]

So if you’re working with a team of very disrespectful people or confused people. You switch that and say “I want to be around respectful people. I want to be around people that have clarity, certainty, vision, purpose and direction”

So if you’re working with a team of very disrespectful people. Or confused people. You switch from saying disrespectful and you say “I want to be around respectful people.” And confused people: “I want to be around people that have clarity and certainty and vision and purpose and direction” And as you create that list than you say instead of going and spending this eight hours with these people and doing these activities and learning in this way or having fun in this way (usually you’re not having fun anymore if you’re going to switch) but the new job would. So you say I want to go spend time around these type of people, I want to have fun, and I want to grow. You replace that segment with a new segment because you’re 16 hours that you’re awake and your day is going to be filled up with all these different activities and if any of those things you do not like you pluck that activity and you replace it with a positive life-affirming activity that makes you feel good and that you’re growing and you’re learning, you’re excited, and you’re engaged. Fully engaged, not just coasting through that’s usually when we get bored or we get tired or we’re drained is because we’re just coasting and nothing is giving us this new sense of vigor through learning and having fun. So I hope that helps. If you can just look at the little segments in your life. Find the ones that aren’t serving your highest good. Pluck that segment out and replace it with something that’s good. It’s easy to look at the things that are bad and then flip them into positive things. And instead of being negative about it, you’re being positive and affirmative about it. I don’t want this, I don’t want this, I don’t want this,  becomes I want this! I want this! I want this! And just take a look! Cool. I hope it helps you.

Here's to you loving, shining and living your ultimate truth! ♥️

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Being Still Is Courageous!
Habits Are A Choice!