We’re going to talk about desires, beliefs, momentum . . . basically why sometimes our life feels like it’s stuck or sometimes it’s moving. Sometimes it’s anxiety, Sometimes excitement! We’ll talk about that energy and why it happens . . .
Habits Are A Choice!
(Breaking Bad Habits By Replacing Them With Good Habits)
I just want to talk to you about habits. So there’s this guy, Darryl Anka, he channels this entity called Bashar and Bashar’s a bringer of wisdom. He talks about habits. Habits?
Being Still Is Courageous!
(Finding Answers In Meditation And Why It Scares Us)
We’re going to talk about desires, beliefs, momentum . . . basically why sometimes our life feels like it’s stuck or sometimes it’s moving. Sometimes it’s anxiety, Sometimes excitement! We’ll talk about that energy and why it happens . . .
Manifesting Beyond Material Things
(Law of Attraction)
So I just wanted to talk about manifesting. The movie ”The Secret” in 2006 came out and it really opened up the idea of manifesting to a larger, greater part of the world. I mean I think tons and tons of people saw that and then not only did those teachings resonate with people but then other teachers that were talking about the same thing also started started talking about manifestation.
Limiting Beliefs Block Your Desires
(Fine Tuning the Law of Attraction)
We’re going to talk about desires, beliefs, momentum . . . basically why sometimes our life feels like it’s stuck or sometimes it’s moving. Sometimes it’s anxiety, Sometimes excitement! We’ll talk about that energy and why it happens . . .
Limiting Beliefs Block Your Desires
All Elements Audio